Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rocks...Are they what they seem?

Rocks are not just the little things you kick around when you are bored. They are actually very important to us as they form landforms on the Earth. 

  There is a big difference between minerals and rocks. Rocks are groups of different minerals pushed together and combined. The minerals that make up rocks are quartz, sand and etc. The formation of rocks is due to various effects on the Earth. There are THREE types of rocks: Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic.  The video below might help you remember them.

Now for the real thing! This next video gives you a deeper understanding of rocks and the rock cycle:D

Questions to ponder...

  • What can we look out for when we want to tell if the volcano is about to erupt?
  • How is magma made in the Earth's interior?
  • If there were no such things as volcanos, causing magma and lava to stay inside the Earth, what would be the affect on Earth and us?

By: Matthea, Natalie and Mildred:)

1 comment:

  1. This is a very interesting post.In response to your first qustion,I did some research and it seems that there is no gurantee that it can be predicted.However,there are some warning signs which are:
    -An increase in seismic activity which is the movement of magma into the magma chamber below the volcano which normally occurs before a volcanic eruption occurs causes an increase in small earthquakes which can be detected by seismometers. As the pressure builds, so does the number and size of these earthquakes.

    -Shape changes - the Earth's surface may begin to bulge due to the pressure of the magma. This occurred before the eruption of Mt. St Helens and can be monitored by scientists using a number of differing tools and sensors.

    -A change or increase in the volume and composition of gasses and vapours emitted from the volcanic vent may also be a warning of increased volcanic activity or an impending eruption.

    Information taken from:
    Esther Ng 1-1
