The hydrologic cycle:
Evaporation, transpiration, condensation, rainfall, interception, infiltration, surface run-off and groundwater.
Evaporation- when water gains heat and evaporate to water vapour.
Transpiration-water vapour given off by the leaves of plants.
Condensation-water vapour loses heat and condenses to water droplets, the water droplets combine and form clouds
Rainfall-the clouds get too heavy and they fall back to earth.
Interception-flow of water down trees, buildings
Infiltration-water permeates into the ground.
Surface run-off-water flows on the surface into the river, lakes, and seas.
Groundwater-water the seeps into the ground may be absorbed by plants/flow into rivers, lakes and seas.
River source- the beginning of a river channel
Tributaries-small rivers and streams flowing into the main channel.
Confluence- where tributaries join the main river channel
River mouth-the end of the river channel, where the river meets the sea.
The drainage basin is the land area that the river system occupies.
Watershed- the boundary, separating one drainage basin from another.
Meanders- when river erodes sideways and deposits the sediments it is carrying on the opposite banks of the curves.
Floodplains - a flat land where rivers deposit sediments/materials.
Waterfalls-a vertical flow of fast-flowing water, when river flow over a horizontal layer of hard rock overlying soft rock, the soft rock erodes more quickly than the hard rock. Thus, a ledge is formed.
Deltas- layers of sediments that are deposited at the river mouth over a long period of time.